
0.0.4 (2023-06-04)#

  • Functions available:
    • get(): Loads a web page with the specified URL or local file or Html Content.

    • url(): Returns the current URL of the page.

    • text(): Returns the source code of the current page.

    • get_driver_sessionid(): Return an session id string.

    • get_locator(): Returns a WebDriver locator based on the given element identifier and identifier type.

    • get_element(): Returns a single element or a list of elements matching the given element identifier and identifier type.

    • fill(): Fills in form elements with the provided values.

    • wait_for_element(): Waits for an element to be present and visible on the page.

    • element_visibility(): Toggles the visibility of an element on the page.

    • cookies(): Returns all cookies present in the current session.

    • set_cookies(): Sets cookies for the current session using a dictionary of cookie key-value pairs.

    • click(): Clicks on the element identified by the given element identifier and identifier type.

    • press_multiple_keys(): Presses multiple keys simultaneously using Selenium.

    • execute_script(): Executes JavaScript code in the context of the current page.

    • parse(): Parses the HTML content of the current page and returns a list of elements matching the given tag name and attribute value.

0.0.3 (2023-06-04)#

  • Functions available:
    • bug fixes

0.0.2 (2023-06-04)#

  • Functions available:
    • bug fixes

0.0.1 (2023-06-04)#

  • Functions available:
    • initial release